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Galería de Fotos de Israel - Photo Gallery of Israel

Page 1 of 6

 Pictures of Travels in Israel: Jerusalem, Belen, Haifa, Nazareth, Cafarnaum, Jordan River

  Total Pictures: 41   Pag. Indice << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>
Go to big photo: Separation wall at Belen   Separation wall at Belen
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Surrounded by barbed wire
Go to big photo: Belen-Church of the Nativity   Belen-Church of the Nativity
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Church where it is believed that Jesus of Nazareth was born
Go to big photo: War memorial to Israeli soldier   War memorial to Israeli soldier
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Situated in the desert
Se encuentra en medio del Desierto
Go to big photo: Christmas decoration during the year - Belen   Christmas decoration during the year - Belen
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: There is Christmas all year
Go to big photo: Belen   Belen
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Night View of Belen Town
Vista nocturna de la ciudad de Belen
Go to big photo: Complaining Wall - Jerusalem   Complaining Wall - Jerusalem
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Holy place of the Jews. Remains of the Solomon's Temple or Jerusalem Temple
Go to big photo: Haifa – Port & City   Haifa – Port & City
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: Haifa is the country main port and the third town by size of Israel.
Go to big photo: Belén   Belén
  Author: Angel Gomez
  Text: City located on a hill
Ciudad enclavada en una colina
  Total Pictures: 41   Pag. Indice << 1 2 3 4 5 6 >>

If you want to Travel to Israel LosViajeros is your site. You can find here, everything that you need for planning your trip to Israel: Travel Forums by countries, continents and zones, Lists of Travellers, Photo Galleries, Blogs or our Weblinks...

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