Displaying the last 40 posts after skipping 760 of the very newest...
68009 : Marta_35 20 May 18 - 16:26 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Marta_35: Hola, buenas tardes! Alguien que viaje a Tenerife la segunda quincena de junio??
68008 : Rechi33 19 May 18 - 23:50 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Rechi33: hola, alguien viaja a punta cana el 23 de junio?
68007 : RosaM21 19 May 18 - 19:38 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | RosaM21: Este año me gustaría hacer un viaje a Tailandia. Mucha gente me dicen que lo haga a mi aire pero me da miedo como moverme por allí ¿alguien sabe ? o es mejor ir en circuito?
68006 : John88 18 May 18 - 02:42 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | John88: Hola chicos busco compañero de viaje para este 29 de mayo inicio en roma y termino en Moscu, puedo modificar abierto a sugerencias
68005 : dul54 17 May 18 - 14:51 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | dul54: Hola, me he registrado hoy y estoy un poco perdida, alguien me ayuda?
68004 : Leonela30 17 May 18 - 08:50 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Leonela30: Hola amigos soy de Venezuela y me gustaría saber si alguien sabe cómo se vive en punta cana si es seguro, calidad de vida, cual es la mejor zona de punta cana, precios de apartamentos gracias por sus comentarios y ayuda
68003 : Montsita1960 14 May 18 - 23:21 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Montsita1960: Marcall, lo que te han ofrecido es un camarote interior sin ventanas, otro con con ventana y otro con balcon, depende de lo que quieras utilizar el camarote, ó si tienes claustrofobia, yo siempre cojo el interior porque dentro del camarote paso unas 5 horas para dormir, asi que no me hace falta pagar mas por uno exteriro, piensa que en el crucero lo mas tarde que te levantas son las 7 de la mañana y lo mas pronto que te acuestas las 2 de la madrugada, pero eso va a a gustos y necesidades
68002 : Montsita1960 14 May 18 - 22:28 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Montsita1960: hola, el proximo dia 25 viajamos a riviea Maya y nos alojaremos en el gran palladium, estoy en negociacion con un gui para hacer una par de excursiones, el dia 27 y el 28 de mayo de 2018, hay alguien interesado, puesto que mientras mas seamos mas barato sale la excursion
68001 : mib65 14 May 18 - 19:29 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | mib65: Hola a todos!!!! quisiera que me recomendarian que hacer en el pais vasco, ya estaría alrededor del 15-08-2018, por 6 dias, recorrería con auto, les agradezco todo lo que puedan informarme.... graciasss
67998 : Mahoney026 08 May 18 - 15:53 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Mahoney026: ¡Hola a todos! Busco ayuda deseperadamente Acabo de abrir una Agencia de Viajes Minorista y no se muy bien por donde empezar. Alguien puede darme algún consejo o, a ser posible, orientarme un poco? Gracias
67997 : kitecar 08 May 18 - 11:57 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | kitecar: egunonnnnnnn
67996 : rosannska 07 May 18 - 21:22 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | rosannska: TAMBIEN SOY NUEVA EN ESTO ALGUIEN QUE SALGA EN CRUCERO EL 23 DE JUNIO PULLMATUR FIORDOS????
67995 : Emilitas13 06 May 18 - 00:51 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Emilitas13: Hola somos una familia madrileña viajamos a riviera maya a ultimos de julio primeros de agosto alguien mas???
67994 : Asniel 02 May 18 - 13:15 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Asniel: Hola, voy a vender mi agencia del grupo Cyba, porq me estoy separando, esta montada en las palmas, lleva solo 8 meses abierta pero ha llegado a facturar 32 mil al mes, interesados pueden llamar 616065719, la doy al coste con todo montada.
67993 : MaríaNuria 01 May 18 - 21:04 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | MaríaNuria: Hola hemos reservado crucero con el barco Meraglivia para el 29 de Noviembre viajamos con niños pero nos han dicho que no es muy aconsejado este barco para niños alguien me puede informar. Por otra parte nos han dicho que hay que pagar extras en muchos sitios del barco esto es cierto
67992 : VictoriaGarcia 01 May 18 - 15:36 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | VictoriaGarcia: Hola!! Hay algún grupo de jóvenes que viajen solos?
67991 : MARCALL 30 Apr 18 - 18:15 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | MARCALL: Quiero hacer un crucero en familia por el mediterraneo, (es la primera vez que hago un crucero), me han ofertado categoria interior bella y fantastica; Exterior bella y fantastica y Balcon bella y fantastica, Que significa esto??, muchas gracias
67990 : MARCALL 30 Apr 18 - 18:13 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | MARCALL: Hola, soy nueva en esto, me acabo de registrar.
67989 : C1752 30 Apr 18 - 14:36 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | C1752: Hola, el proximo dia 7 de julio embarcamos en Venecia en el Rapsody. Viajo con un niño de 11 años. Alguien más?
67988 : C1752 30 Apr 18 - 14:11 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | C1752: Con royal Cariban en el Barco Rapsoy
67987 : C1752 30 Apr 18 - 14:10 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | C1752: Hola a todos los foreros¡¡¡ Embarcamos el dia 7 de julio en Venecia con un niño de 11 años. Alguien más?
67986 : LILIA0317 27 Apr 18 - 17:05 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | LILIA0317: como hago para escribir un comentario booking soy nueva
67985 : jefe13 26 Apr 18 - 09:48 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | jefe13: hola, viajamos tres amigos mcs seaview 15 junio,en octubre del 2017 hice este viaje con el meraviglia, a vuestra disposicion
67984 : alfredom1968 25 Apr 18 - 13:01 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | alfredom1968: Hola, alguien para la salida del 17 de agosto MSC SEAVIEW
67983 : kitecar 24 Apr 18 - 11:15 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | kitecar: yo estoy en contacto interesado tambien pero me piden ingles y no tengo ni idea
67982 : kitecar 24 Apr 18 - 11:14 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | kitecar: victoria9109 busca en coperatour de barcelona tienen voluntariados en india
67981 : acoloca1960 23 Apr 18 - 19:35 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | acoloca1960: Ahora entraré en los diarios de viajes para recoger ideas
67980 : acoloca1960 23 Apr 18 - 19:35 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | acoloca1960: También se pueden encontrar preciosos rincones en nuestra querida España
67979 : acoloca1960 23 Apr 18 - 19:34 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | acoloca1960: Recomiendo mucho viajar a Noruega en verano llegar hasta el polo norte. Vale la pena
67978 : acoloca1960 23 Apr 18 - 19:31 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | acoloca1960: Ya he visitado algunos y me ha gustado especialmente el de Alsacia
67977 : acoloca1960 23 Apr 18 - 19:30 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | acoloca1960: Será lo primero que busque cuando entre en los blogs
67976 : acoloca1960 23 Apr 18 - 19:29 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | acoloca1960: Me encantaría tener información de gente que viaja sola
67975 : acoloca1960 23 Apr 18 - 19:28 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | acoloca1960: No sale mi avatar. Tengo que estudiar cómo conseguirlo
67974 : acoloca1960 23 Apr 18 - 19:27 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | acoloca1960: En Madrid nos preparamos para el partido con el Manchester
67973 : acoloca1960 23 Apr 18 - 19:22 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | acoloca1960: Espero que me deis muchas ideas para mis viajes
67972 : acoloca1960 23 Apr 18 - 19:22 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | acoloca1960: Gracias por la bienvenida que me habéis dado
67971 : amelia19+56 20 Apr 18 - 18:12 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | amelia19+56: hola voy a viajar a la costa oeste de eeuu , a los parques nacionales, del 2 de junio al 10 de julio. Alguien tiene algun pase para poder vendernoslo???
67970 : victoria9109 16 Apr 18 - 17:05 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | victoria9109:
67969 : victoria9109 16 Apr 18 - 16:49 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | victoria9109: quisiera trabajar en india y quisiera una ayuda
67968 : victoria9109 16 Apr 18 - 16:49 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | victoria9109: hola desde españa...alguien conoce ong o sabe como poder trabajar en india