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68320 : karmela60 29 Apr 19 - 18:22 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | karmela60: Estoy interesada en viajar por el sur de Francia....
68319 : karmela60 29 Apr 19 - 18:14 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | karmela60: Alguien de Galicia que desee viajar por Francia¿¿¿
68317 : Anichi-68 27 Apr 19 - 00:45 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Anichi-68: hola alguien va a Cracovia próximamente?
68315 : Glayusner 23 Apr 19 - 13:20 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Glayusner: Hola buenos diasssss nadie en la salaaaaasaaass
68314 : Glayusner 22 Apr 19 - 20:11 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Glayusner: Buenas tardes viajeros como están ustedes saludos a todos aún nadie en esta sala
68313 : Panepane 22 Apr 19 - 19:42 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Panepane: Yo tengo el mismo pasaje para el 30 de abril , llamo a e dreams para que hagan una corrección y me dicen que no es posible. CUIDADO
68312 : Panepane 22 Apr 19 - 19:39 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Panepane: Compré pasaje en e dreams de Buenos Aires a Vírgenes Británicas, el tiempo de conexión en Puerto Rico es corto y mí esposa perdió la conexión, tuvo que pagar 1600 dólares un pasaje nuevo y e dreams no se hace cargo de su error. Cuidado
68311 : Glayusner 22 Apr 19 - 15:57 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Glayusner: Eyyyy nadie en esta sala
68310 : Glayusner 22 Apr 19 - 15:32 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Glayusner:
68309 : Glayusner 22 Apr 19 - 15:26 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Glayusner: Si alguien está interesado en visitar Venezuela estamos para servirle bienvenidos escribanme o llamen desde cualquier parte del mundo
68308 : Glayusner 22 Apr 19 - 15:21 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Glayusner: Nadie salud nadie escribe o no ay nadie en el sitiooooooiiioooooooo
68307 : Glayusner 22 Apr 19 - 15:16 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Glayusner: Como están amigos viajeros saludos alguien m invita algún país soy de venezuela
68306 : Glayusner 22 Apr 19 - 15:13 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Glayusner: Holsaaaaaaaaaass
68305 : rllop3 21 Apr 19 - 09:41 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | rllop3: cUAL ES EL MEJOR BARCO PARA VER MEJOR LAS BALLENAS EN hermanus, sudafrica?
68304 : rllop3 21 Apr 19 - 09:41 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | rllop3: Alguien me puede informar sobre que granja de avestruces ver con niños en OUDSTHOORN?
68303 : Ulpi1970 20 Apr 19 - 03:50 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Ulpi1970: Hola soy de Figueras(Girona)un apasionado de las motos y busco compañera de viaje que también le guste las motos para planificar un viaje la segunda quincena de junio.
68301 : kary13 15 Apr 19 - 20:58 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | kary13: Hola, para aquellos que viajan a Jujuy quiero comentar queja. Si desean alquilar un auto no lo hagan a través de Hertz, los vehículos y la atención son nefastos.
68300 : Amparillo70 15 Apr 19 - 00:51 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Amparillo70: Hola,vamos a Roma, del 20 de agosto,al 29...el 21 haremos escapada a venecia,y volvemos el 22,(a Roma de nuevo) ya tengo los billetrs de tren y hotel para esa noche...ahora quiero mirar,Roma, pisa..pasar el dia,y en el mismo dia,ir a florencia,pasar noche alli,y al dia siguiente, volver a Roma de nuevo...pero no se como hacer la combinación con los trenes,Roma -pisa,pisa-florencia,y dia siguiente,florencia-Roma...alguien puede ayudarme ???
68299 : Elenaminus2019 14 Apr 19 - 08:53 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Elenaminus2019: Quiero comentar una queja sobre booking, tenia una reserva para hotel astoria de ravena hace 3 meses y 10 dias antes de la reserva me la anulan por falta de actualizacion de la tarjeta cosa que habia hecho 1 dia antes, total me lo anulan luego la puedo recuperar pero en vez de 147 euros por 387,hago mi queja a booking y no se hacen responsables de nada, la atencion muy mal, es un gran monopolio y no se puede luchar contra el, si alguien tiene alguna idea o le ha pasado que me lo comunique, gracias
68298 : angivilafer 12 Apr 19 - 13:16 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | angivilafer: hola soy angeles,
68294 : Yumar44 01 Apr 19 - 00:16 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Yumar44: Huelva
68293 : Yumar44 01 Apr 19 - 00:15 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Yumar44: Buenas alguien ha viajado en la nueva línea de Fred Olsen Tenerife Huelba
68292 : almu1982 29 Mar 19 - 15:26 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | almu1982: la app entertainer vale la pena comprarla
68291 : almu1982 29 Mar 19 - 15:24 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | almu1982: hola el mes que viene viajo a dubai
68290 : Pilita50 25 Mar 19 - 10:29 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Pilita50: Hola me gustaría saber si en la escala de Alesund se puede ir a Isla Runde
68289 : Loli54 24 Mar 19 - 23:53 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Loli54: pana visión mayorista del corte inglés h
68288 : Loli54 24 Mar 19 - 23:53 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Loli54: fatal el corte inglés dejan a la gente tirada en el extranjero en un tour por Europa por ponerse enfermos
68287 : Loli54 24 Mar 19 - 23:50 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Loli54: elegí el Corte inglés como opción fiable y el grupo para sentirme protegida, me dejaron en Ámsterdam sola ,tirada y enferma. fui sola a un hospital me coste todo además de tener el viaje pagado.solo disfrute de la mitad del viaje más gastos de médicos taxis repatriar ion me lo pague yo y no me han devuelto nada
68286 : Loli54 24 Mar 19 - 23:40 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Loli54: fatal el corte inglés dejan a la gente tirada en el extranjero en un tour por Europa por ponerse enfermos
68285 : Loli54 24 Mar 19 - 23:37 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Loli54: pana visión mayorista del corte inglés h
68284 : Ali48yjose50 22 Mar 19 - 22:16 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Ali48yjose50: Hola viajamos a ribiera maya . Alguien sabe si en paladium kanthena, tienen plancha las habitaciones?
68283 : Duts 19 Mar 19 - 19:46 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Duts: quien sale de fiesta por madrid?
68282 : goechechi 19 Mar 19 - 19:06 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | goechechi: hola, soy Pablo
68281 : jomaroga 14 Mar 19 - 13:48 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | jomaroga: Saludos, tengo interes en jacer una ruta por el sur de Francia , por el rio Lot , carcasone y sus alrrededores, alguien que quiera compartir viaje o tenga interes?
68280 : jvllopis 13 Mar 19 - 20:44 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | jvllopis: Hola, queremos ir la segunda quincena de octubre a Srilanka 5 dias y 4 a Maldivas, que tiempo hace en esas fechas, y Srilanka esta masificado para viajar, muchas colas al ir a los sitios tipicos. 4 dias es mucho tiempo enlas maldivas. Si hacemos los 9 días en Maldivas hay muchas excursiones para hacer. Gracias
68279 : plata1 13 Mar 19 - 18:06 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | plata1: hola, vamos a viajar a paris dos adultos y dos niñas, y queremos comprar entadas a precio razonable para el 2 y 3 de julio .Saben donde puedo mirar para comprarlas anticipadamente? graicas
68278 : Beatriz58 12 Mar 19 - 00:04 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Beatriz58: Queremos viajar de safari a Kenia y Tanzania . Me gustaría información sobre agencias con las que reservar desde España que sean fiables . Un saludo
68277 : Lalaly 11 Mar 19 - 03:23 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Lalaly: Soy de uruguay tengo 32 años
68276 : Lalaly 11 Mar 19 - 03:22 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Lalaly: Hola alguna amiguita que esté en Río de Janeiro para mostrar la cuidas en abril
68275 : Yele1979 10 Mar 19 - 22:21 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Yele1979: Hola,alguien que tenga planes de viaje a Cuba?-