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67822 : Cotii 04 Dec 17 - 05:21 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Cotii: Alguien yendo a Filipinas desde Nueva Zelanda en febreroooooo?
67821 : dori68 03 Dec 17 - 14:05 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | dori68: Buenas, me gustaría saber si en nochevieja en LONDRES podríamos ir de cena a algún sitio donde ir con nuestros hijos de 17 y 12 años , y poder prolongar la cena , hemos visto planet Hollywood y hard rock caffe, pero parece ser que después no nos dejan estar con ellos en la música en directo, Si sabeis de algún otro lugar con precios parecidos a estos retaurante en nochevieja estaríamos super contentos, otra opción no se si comer en nochevieja por Worderland el mercadillo e irnos luego al hotel que esta en Old Street , un saludo
67820 : Redlips24 30 Nov 17 - 21:11 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Redlips24: ¡Hola gente! Espero que me podáis echar un cable una compi de trabajo y yo queremos irnos a París en enero del 18, unos 3 días. ¿Sabeis de algún hotel que esté a buen precio que no esté a tomar viento del centro? ¡Gracias!
67819 : Letiteje 28 Nov 17 - 18:45 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Letiteje: Hola, soy nueva aquí, viajo sola y estoy empezando a planear laponia finlandesa para diciembre de 2018, me gustaría saber si alguien m podría aconsejar una zona para alojarme, ya q veo qbno recomiendan Rovaniemi p estar masificado, además me gustaría saber si es aconsejable alquilar coche ( nunca conduje con nieve)(igual m parecerá obvia la respuesta) y como hace la gente para moverse por los pueblos de alrededor o simplemente ircacsu cabaña alejada del bullicio de la ciudad. Gracias
67818 : duquesita 28 Nov 17 - 12:33 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | duquesita: Hola!!! Somos una pareja que va a hacer un viaje a Tailandia en Enero, del 7 al 21.Alguien tiene pensado alquilar Long Tail para visitar las islas? Entre el 13 y 17 de Enero, lo tenemos un poco abierto por ver si saliera gente, el 13 estaremos en Ao Nang, el resto de los días en función de lo que salga...También quería ver si alguien está interesado en compartir transporte para visitar Ayutthaya el dia 20 de Enero. Un saludo
67817 : duquesita 28 Nov 17 - 12:27 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | duquesita: Hola!!!
67816 : cristina3103 27 Nov 17 - 22:50 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | cristina3103: Hola estoy por viajar a Bucarest y de ahi tomar un avion a Liubliana ,pero no consigo vuelos directos , existen ?
67814 : Lydia5+ 25 Nov 17 - 13:11 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Lydia5+: Quiero viajar con mi perrita para el camino de Santiago alguien interesado??
67813 : Lydia5+ 25 Nov 17 - 13:01 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Lydia5+: Buenas estoy buscando para caminó de Santiago con mascotas
67812 : arilla 22 Nov 17 - 16:06 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | arilla: alguien que viaje a la riviera maya del 7 de enero de 2018 al 14???
67811 : jg69 16 Nov 17 - 19:15 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | jg69: Viajare en coche de Madrid a Vitoria el martes 21 de Noviembre. Voy y vuelvo en el día. ¿Alguien quiere acompañarme?
67810 : monike48 16 Nov 17 - 08:52 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | monike48: BUSCO COMPAÑER@ DE VIAJE POR AUSTRALIA, ALGUIEN POR AQUI?
67809 : monike48 16 Nov 17 - 08:51 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | monike48: HOLA, ALGUIEN VIAJANDO DE SIDNEY A BRISBORNE?
67806 : BenitoCamela 10 Nov 17 - 08:54 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | BenitoCamela: Hola alguien puede decirme como crear un tema de foro
67805 : rafarin 09 Nov 17 - 14:57 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | rafarin: Hola a todos necesito un guia para tokyo Si alquien sabe?
67803 : mariajose85 08 Nov 17 - 13:12 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | mariajose85: hola a todos. Voy a hacer un crucero por emiratos arabes con costa el 9 de febrero de 2018. Necesitaria información para hacer excursiones por nuestra cuenta o alguna agencia externa al barco. Un saludo
67802 : mariajose85 08 Nov 17 - 13:11 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | mariajose85: Hola a todos.
67801 : maria_27 06 Nov 17 - 20:28 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | maria_27: Hola a tod@s, alguien que haya estado en Seychelles?
67800 : MssAndrómeda 05 Nov 17 - 02:30 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | MssAndrómeda: Hola
67799 : faisal 04 Nov 17 - 16:32 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | faisal: Inicio de la conversación 15:23 hola! mi amigo tiene un billete de baliaria para mañana con coche, desde algeciras _ ceuta, pero no tiene claro si coje cualquier barco de baliaria, o solo el que finje en su billete?? gracias
67798 : faisal 04 Nov 17 - 16:02 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | faisal: Inicio de la conversación 15:23 hola! mi amigo tiene un billete de baliaria para mañana con coche, desde algeciras _ ceuta, pero no tiene claro si coje cualquier barco de baliaria, o solo el que finje en su billete?? gracias
67796 : Perfe00 02 Nov 17 - 09:45 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Perfe00: Acabo de llegar de Vietnam, he ido con la agencia Gran Voyage, los hoteles super céntricos y la atención estupenda, al ser un país que tiene sus deficiencias en infraestructuras, hemos observado que en todo momento la agencia nos hacia un seguimiento para posibles eventualidades. Sin duda, contaré con ellos para mi próximo viaje.
67795 : Paulapa 30 Oct 17 - 12:12 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Paulapa: Hola.Quiero hacer Camino de Santiago desde León. Puede alguien ayudarme con los alojamientos?.Saludos
67794 : nievesnieves 29 Oct 17 - 20:25 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | nievesnieves: Hola,alguien que me pueda decir agencias locales de jordania .
67793 : 29aitor1989 16 Oct 17 - 17:44 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | 29aitor1989: hola buenas,ne gustaria ir a estudiar masaje tailandes,por chian may,me gustaria saver si algien estaria interesado,mi intencion seria ir a estudiar y lo que surja,a vivir un poko por ali
67792 : ADRIANA31 16 Oct 17 - 15:41 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | ADRIANA31: Donde andas
67791 : ADRIANA31 16 Oct 17 - 15:36 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | ADRIANA31: Donde andas
67790 : gegeneluisman 14 Oct 17 - 09:16 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | gegeneluisman: hola a cuba con simartour como va algun que haya ido en playa
67789 : jumiviajero 13 Oct 17 - 00:20 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | jumiviajero: alguien puede darme referencias de viajar a albania?
67788 : jumiviajero 13 Oct 17 - 00:19 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | jumiviajero: alguien tiene referencias de Albania?
67787 : Ruben51 10 Oct 17 - 02:21 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Ruben51: Hola, voy a viajar de Argentina a Alemania con escala en España, quisiera saber si puedo llevar alfajores, cuantos y dulce de leche
67786 : solito69 09 Oct 17 - 02:19 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | solito69: soy de santiago de chile
67785 : solito69 09 Oct 17 - 02:18 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | solito69: quiero viajar a cuba en el mes de nombre 2017 pero no quiero ir solo me gustaría que una persona viajara conmigo para no andar solo
67784 : lola100 08 Oct 17 - 04:50 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | lola100: Me voy y despues me entero?
67783 : lola100 08 Oct 17 - 04:47 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | lola100: Quiro viajar a riviera maya. Para empezar y asi buscar hotel, 1ro quiero saber donde estan las mejores playas porque ese es mi fin primero y luego el hotel y luego excursiones. Pero primero las mejores y mas lindas playas pata buscar un hotel. Cercana a la civilización - No conozco quiero llevarme de recuerdo las hermosas playa del caribe. No se si podre volver
67782 : ADRIANA31 06 Oct 17 - 15:34 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | ADRIANA31: estas aqui?
67781 : francisca2017 05 Oct 17 - 17:36 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | francisca2017: alguien para este crucero
67780 : francisca2017 05 Oct 17 - 17:35 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | francisca2017: hola somos una pareja de cadiz y vamos el 21 en el msc opera nos vemos
67779 : Morenitalsur 29 Sep 17 - 01:05 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Morenitalsur: Hola !!! Estoy viajando a Lagoinha ,Brasil. Quisiera saber si alguien me puede asesorar con el tema de gastos de comidas para 9 días. Muchas gracias !!!