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68106 : mimi19 07 Sep 18 - 15:13 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | mimi19: Holaa alguien que viaje en costa magica el 18 de octubre 2018
68105 : manu1a 05 Sep 18 - 21:28 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | manu1a: Alguien que me pueda recomendar donde y cómo aprender INGLÉS ???
68104 : rtinoco52 05 Sep 18 - 20:09 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | rtinoco52: Me pueden sugerir hotel cerca de embarque Crucero por Norwegia jewl, 13 de dic 2018?
68103 : Kalamar35 04 Sep 18 - 20:30 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Kalamar35: Hola. Quería saber si alguien va a estar en BOMBAI del 15 al 17 de septiembre
68101 : alonso1959 03 Sep 18 - 09:59 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | alonso1959: salgo 15/10/2018 buque souvereing
68100 : alonso1959 03 Sep 18 - 09:58 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | alonso1959: alguien ruta mediterráneo salida 15/10/2018 buque reingsouve
68095 : Raúl.m.m 02 Sep 18 - 01:46 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Raúl.m.m: Hola , busco alguien q me apadrine los días 8,9,10 de septiembre de 2018 ,para 3 pases anuales, llego el 7
68094 : CASMARA1966 31 Aug 18 - 18:20 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | CASMARA1966: Hola alguien que haya ido a Barceló beach punta cana
68093 : Manme 30 Aug 18 - 02:08 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Manme: Me gustaría saber si alguien ha ido en la cabina 13271 Gracias
68092 : Riky16 29 Aug 18 - 21:16 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Riky16: Conocen un hotel nudista en Panama
68091 : sabrijulio 27 Aug 18 - 02:55 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | sabrijulio: hola!! somos nuevos en el portal, donde publicamos nuestras preguntas con respecto a un viaje?
68090 : cathan 26 Aug 18 - 14:14 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | cathan: Hola, como puedo contactar con un administrador?
68089 : elquetecuento 26 Aug 18 - 11:36 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | elquetecuento: por si alguna quisiera venir a pedalear saludos
68088 : elquetecuento 26 Aug 18 - 11:35 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | elquetecuento:
68087 : elquetecuento 26 Aug 18 - 11:33 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | elquetecuento: en bicicleta con alforjas,para pasarlo bien y disfrutar de la naturaleza
68086 : elquetecuento 26 Aug 18 - 11:32 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | elquetecuento: alguna quisiera venir hacer el camino de santiago desde lisboa a santiago para el 4 de junio
68085 : Angeldemonio 24 Aug 18 - 17:33 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Angeldemonio: Holaa, en noviembre voy a hacer un recorrido por Cantabria y Asturias durante 9 días , alguien me podría decir algún itinerario en condiciones, pues no se como empezar. Eso sí llegó a Santander , gracias y un saludo
68084 : Aranza2018 23 Aug 18 - 18:48 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Aranza2018: Hola! Alguien se viene a Marruecos del 04 al 12 de octubre, somos 2 chicas ya tenemos el guía y coche 4 x 4 alquilado iremos al desierto de merzouga , fez, Marrakech, chaouen , casablanca , rabat ... mas informacion :
68082 : Mireia94 23 Aug 18 - 13:43 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Mireia94: @soniaab Justo acabo de llegar de Noruega, que necesitas?
68081 : fblanco 18 Aug 18 - 04:10 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | fblanco: Tengo billete Madrid Barajas para Tel Aviv el 2 de septiembre. ¿ Me puede afectar posible huelga de agentes seguridad ?
68080 : MAIKA61 17 Aug 18 - 22:41 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | MAIKA61: HOLA BUENAS ALGUIEN HA ESTADO RECIENTEMENTE EL SOFIA Y HA ALQUILADO UN COCHE NECESITO INFORMACION GRACIAS
68079 : yodaya 14 Aug 18 - 20:05 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | yodaya: Hola ,me podriais decir cómo trasladarme desde el aeropuerto de Orly hasta la porte de Versailles, somos 4 adultos y 3 maletas. He estado mirando combinaciones pero o no me aclaro o sale miy caro en transporte público.Gracias
68078 : SONIAAB 10 Aug 18 - 19:02 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | SONIAAB: NECESITO AYUDA CON NORUEGA
68077 : joel.martinez 05 Aug 18 - 01:46 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | joel.martinez: Hola, buenas noches. Me acabo de suscribir y estoy necesitando ayuda en la Ciudad de Maracaibo, ya que quiero alquilar un auto y las paginas me ponen minimo 49 dolares y un amigo me dice que las empresas estan los autos en 16 millones diarios. Si alguien tiene la experiencia por favor, podria compartirmela. Gracias a tod@s
68076 : Javiabu 04 Aug 18 - 19:16 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Javiabu: Buenas tardes, mi idea es recorrer durante siete días el valle de Aosta. ¿Cuál sería la población idónea desde la que conocer la zona? ¿podéis recomendarme algún hotel y/o casa rural en el valle de Aosta? Gracias
68075 : Lulita18 04 Aug 18 - 17:49 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Lulita18: Holaaaa. Viajó a fortaleza brasil con mi pareja .saben si hay playas nudistas por allá?
68074 : Lulita18 04 Aug 18 - 17:46 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Lulita18: Holaaaa. Viajó a fortaleza brasil con mi pareja .saben si hay playas nudistas por allá?
68073 : Anieta 03 Aug 18 - 18:30 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Anieta: Holaaa, me acabo de suscribir a este foro que me parece magnifico. Estoy organizando un viaje a los paises bálticos Lituania, Letonia y Estonia y me gustaria alargarlo a San petersburgo. Creo que cada vez alargo más porque ahora me estoy mirando Moscú. Tengo solicitado el visado donde he indicado que voy a estar solo en San Petersburgo durante 5 noches. Mi pregunta es: creeis que vale la pena coger un tren y ir hasta Moscú y pasar allí 1 solo dia? Podria hacerlo aunque en la solicitud del visado haya indicado solo San Peterburgo como ciudad visitada? Muchas gracias.
68072 : crazytravel 01 Aug 18 - 19:57 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | crazytravel: Salir de Rusia por frontera Finlandia? Es posible salir con un visado de turista? Quiero decir, lo admite la frontera?
68071 : crazytravel 01 Aug 18 - 19:57 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | crazytravel: Salir de Rusia por frontera Finlandia? Es posible salir con un visado de turista? Quiero decir, lo admite la frontera?
68070 : crazytravel 01 Aug 18 - 19:54 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | crazytravel: Salir de Rusia por frontera Finlandia
68069 : marisabel12 01 Aug 18 - 09:47 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | marisabel12: china
68068 : barcalaananz 31 Jul 18 - 20:07 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | barcalaananz: HOLA, ¿ALGUIEN QUE VAYA A NUEVA ZELANDA DE OCTUBRE A NOVIEMBRE, O QUE HAYA IDO EN BUS?? GRACIAS
68067 : Oscarcp 30 Jul 18 - 19:10 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Oscarcp: Viaje La Habana julio 2018. Gran viaje. Recomiendo a yoando como agencia y a su guia yeni. Nos lo pusieron todo muy facil y nos crearon las excursiones segun nuestras ideas y lo que queriamos ver. Yoander su jefe y la persona con laa que contacte desde España me explico todo de maravilla. Y repito... ye i la guia q bos acompaño es formidable. Recomendaable 100 x 100.
68066 : carlaperu 30 Jul 18 - 06:11 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | carlaperu: hola, he comprado tickets para una cena en el 58 tour Eiffel, y ,luego quiero ascender hasta la cumbre, la pregunta es si compro por internet un ticket de ascenso a la cima por ascensor, puedo iniciar el servicio en el piso dos?, o necesariamente al terminar mi cena debo bajar y tomar el ascensor en la base????
68065 : Carina69 29 Jul 18 - 04:03 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Carina69: Hola , alguien que me dé información donde conseguir borlas a precios mayoristas en Marruecos .Gracias !!!
68061 : Quemado 24 Jul 18 - 09:13 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Quemado: Hotel Occidental Barcelo Punta Cana, te ponen imagenes de las fotos del hotel y habitación maravillosas, después todo es mentira, el hotel está muy deteriorado y sucio y la comida es una verdadera porquería, mi novia es Sueca y la miraban con total desprecio
68060 : Quemado 24 Jul 18 - 09:10 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Quemado: Punta Cana, deterioro, total, no vallas, te engañan por todos los sitios, no saben cuidar al turista, sólo quieren dolares, te venden humo, lástima del dinero que me gasté, semana horrorosa.
68059 : Yaile24 24 Jul 18 - 02:33 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Yaile24: Ámsterdam. A cubs por lz compañía klm
68058 : Yaile24 24 Jul 18 - 02:32 Sorry, but only an admin may see a poster's ip address. You understand don't you? Because you are using MSIE you cannot experience the much nicer alternative. oh well. | Yaile24: Hola , quisiera saber como hacer ls coneccion de un vuelo desde oporto a Ámsterdam , tengo una.hora y 45 minutos para embarcar amsterdambcompañia