Cité du Vin (Bordeaux) Increases Its Commitment to Ecological Transition ✈️ Noticias de Francia

Autor: Oficinas-Turismo Fecha: Lunes, 08 Julio, 2024 ⭐ Puntos 5 (2 votos)

With 400,000 visitors annually, the Cité du Vin has been dedicated to sustainable development since its inception, addressing significant environmental and social challenges, particularly climate change.

Already holding NF Environment certification for Visitor Sites and CSR Sustainable Entertainment certification, the Cité du Vin continues to solidify its role as a leader in culture and tourism by advancing its environmentally friendly initiatives. With a comprehensive CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) policy, participation in CEC Nouvelle-Aquitaine, performing a carbon audit, and raising awareness on recycling, the Foundation for Wine Culture and Civilisations (which manages and develops the Cité du Vin) is intensifying its efforts towards more sustainable and responsible operations.

Committed CSR Policy and Road Map
Incorporating seven of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals into its management, the Foundation has progressively implemented a CSR policy based on three pillars: sustainable development, employee well-being, and visitor satisfaction. These principles now guide all activities, positioning the Cité du Vin as an agent of future change.

Already certified NF Environment for Visitor Sites, Tourisme & Handicap, and "Sustainable Entertainment: Responsible Emotion" at the Experienced level, the Foundation joined CEC Nouvelle-Aquitaine in summer 2023—a movement placing companies at the forefront of ecological transition. By the end of 2024, it aims to establish a robust road map for the next five years.

The Foundation's first carbon audit revealed a carbon footprint of 1,200 tCO2 (excluding visitor travel) for 2022, with a 12% uncertainty rate. Major contributors include construction, energy, employee travel and meals, temporary exhibitions, and the cultural program. These findings have led to the creation of a decarbonization plan for the Cité du Vin's activities.

Increased Awareness in the Permanent Exhibition and Cultural Program
Beyond internal operations, the Foundation addresses environmental issues in the Cité du Vin's cultural offerings. The Permanent exhibition and cultural programs increasingly highlight themes such as nature, climate change, and sustainable development.

The 2023 renewal of the Permanent exhibition emphasizes "People and the Living World," with themes exploring climate's role in winegrowing and the impact of environmental changes on terroirs and wines. For instance, the "Terroirs of the World" module will soon include insights from Miguel Torres, a dedicated winegrower from Catalonia, on climate change and water scarcity.

Visitor feedback indicates a positive impact: surveys conducted in early 2024 show 76% of visitors feel the exhibition raises environmental awareness (source: email survey, 670 respondents from January to May 2024).

The cultural program, particularly the "Environment and Wine" series initiated in 2023, continues to grow. Recent events include a 2-Tonne Workshop, a Wine Fresco, a biodynamic wine masterclass, and an interview with Saskia de Rothschild, CEO of Domaines Barons de Rothschild Lafite, on environmental commitments.

Ongoing Actions to Reduce Environmental Impact
Daily efforts at the Cité du Vin aim to minimize its ecological footprint. Given the high volume of visitors and wine tastings, glass bottle disposal is a significant challenge. The Cité du Vin collaborates with Ben Recyclage to collect, sort, clean, and reuse bottles through Eco-In-Pack.

Recycling extends to cultural activities. Furniture from previous exhibitions is repurposed, such as the "In the Vines" module now serving as an interactive quiz at a motorway rest area. Communication materials are also recycled; for instance, old advertising banners have been transformed into beach bags, passport wallets, and pouches by Nomads Surfing and will soon be available at the Cité du Vin's Boutique.

Waste management improvements include bio-waste collection by bicycle, which is then composted by Rest’O Valor, supporting local market gardeners. Employees are also engaged through regular training sessions and initiatives to reduce their digital footprint.

Through these daily commitments, the Cité du Vin establishes itself as a cultural leader in ecological transition. The sustainable development approach at the Cité du Vin is supported by the patronage of Distillerie Douence.

The Cité du Vin is open daily from 10 a.m.

Support the cultural seasons at Cité du Vin with the Foundation for Wine Culture and Civilisations: Cité du Vin Foundation.

More information: Fecha: 08/Jul/2024 02:42:04 (1613 Lecturas) Puntos: 5 (2 votos)

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