Oficinas-Turismo Fecha: Sabado, 25 Enero, 2020 ⭐ Puntos 4 (2 votos)
Let's go to take you to the world of the most famous Slovenian myths and legends. It is up to you to find their trails and explore the beauty of Slovenia on the wings of your imagination.
The Ljubljana Dragon
You have probably heard the legend about the Greek mythological hero Jason and the Argonauts, who stole the Golden Fleece and fled across the Black Sea, the Danube and Sava Rivers to the Adriatic Sea and continued to Greece. But you perhaps did not know that they also stopped in the Ljubljana Marshes. A fearless dragon lived there, but Jason beat him. Despite this, the dragon left his marks all around Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia. Can you find them? Here are some tips: ...f-dragons/
The Counts of Celje
There are many legends and stories known about the Counts of Celje. The most popular one is about the unfortunate love between Count Frederick II and Veronika of Desenice. Frederick’s father Hermann II forbade their love, locked Frederick in the castle tower and ordered the drowning of Veronika. As the legend says, Frederick was rescued by his loyal squire who brought him food through the hidden passage. ...s-of-celje
King Matjaž
The legend of King Matjaž tells a story about the good king who ruled during the times of Carantania. He ruled during the golden era in the present-day Carinthia, which other sovereigns didn't like. So, they sent an army to fight the good king. King Matjaž and a hundred of his soldiers retreated to the hidden cave under Mount Peca and sat behind the stone table. The legend says that Matjaž will return and eliminate injustice from the world when his beard wraps around the table nine times and when a linden tree grows in front of the entrance to the cave in winter. Until then, you can explore his kingdom in many different ways.
Erazem of Predjama
Erazem of Predjama was a brave knight who fought the emperor and turned into a kind of Slovenian version of Robin Hood. He fled from the emperor's army to Predjama Castle where he resisted their attacks for over a year. He received food and other necessities through the hidden passages of the Karst underground, but was later betrayed by one of his servants. The latter gave a sign to the emperor’s soldiers, who surprised Erazem, shot stone balls at him and killed him. But Erazem's spirit lives on. ...-predjama/
The Kingdom of the Goldenhorn stretches throughout the Julian Alps. According to a legend, a golden-horned chamois used to rule this world, and his horns were the key to an immense treasure. Once upon a time, a young hunter from the Trenta Valley, who was unfortunate in love, shot at the Goldenhorn, but Triglav flowers grew from the drops of the animal’s blood and eating these gave it tremendous vitality. The Goldenhorn pushed the hunter over the precipice and in its anger destroyed the kingdom with its horns. But the treasure remains hidden in the Triglav mountain range. Find it in many natural beauties and wonders.
Peter Klepec
Learn the tale of the weak shepherd Peter Klepec, who was not in the good graces of his peers. When he protected the mountain fairy from the scorching sun, she thanked him by giving him supernatural powers. The boy managed to tame the wicked shepherds and also the Turks who later invaded across the Kolpa River. According to folk tradition, Peter Klepec came from Osilnica, a place surrounded by the vast Kočevsko forests along the upper reaches of the Kolpa River. Step into his land and experience it in your own way. .../osilnica/
Pegasus, the winged horse in Rogaška Slatina
Rogaška Slatina is famous for its unique mineral water Donat Mg. Did you know that, according to the legend, Greek mythology is also connected with the discovery of this exceptional well? The Greek God Apollo told the winged horse Pegasus where to strike its hoof and open the healing well. With its discovery, Pegasus became an important part of Rogaška Slatina, as is proven by its statue in the town. ...a-slatina/
Legend of the sunken bell
The legend of the sunken bell tells a story about the noble lady Poliksena, who, while grieving for her husband, collected all her gold and silver and used it to cast a bell for the chapel on Bled Island. But, while the bell was being transported to the island, a storm came over the lake and sunk the boat carrying the bell. The sad widow left Bled and went to a convent in Rome. When the Pope heard her story, he ordered that a new bell be made and placed in the steeple of the church on Bled Island. And this bell is said to have special powers.
Al these histories and much more in ...nd-legends
Fecha: 25/Ene/2020 00:16:07
(6106 Lecturas)
Puntos: 4 (2 votos)
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Tema: Eslovenia: Que visitar, alojamiento, rutas |
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635460 Lecturas
Autor | Mensaje |
 Travel Addict
 25-10-2023 Mensajes: 29
Buenas !! Añado algunos tips breves de mi experiencia personal 
- Ljubljana como te comentan, con un día completo lo ves muy tranquilamente (yo estuve dos noches pero porque llegué un día al atardecer, pasé el siguiente y nos fuimos tras hacer la segunda noche pronto por la mañana).
- Echa un ojo a la organización Skocjan / Predajma. Lo comento porque están muy próximos y si lo organizas puedes evitarte las dos noches que comentas y dejarlo en una.
- Me pareció muy interesante el valle de Rakov Skocjan. Está en el trayecto Ljubjana a Pedrajma, merece la pena una parada en mi... Leer más ...
 Super Expert
 23-06-2024 Mensajes: 271
Sí, seguramente hagamos al final una noche en Skocjan/Predjama, he visto que están relativamente cercas. Rakov Skocjan creo que también puee estar muy bien. Para ir hasta allí, debes de dejar el coche en algún lugar y luego ir andando bastante? Lo comento porque sería escapada Express y más de 1 hora y meia como muy tarde 2 horas sería ya mucho para parar en Nuestro camino a Predjama, donde haríamos noche para combinar el castillo y las cuevas de Skocjan.
 Travel Addict
 25-10-2023 Mensajes: 29
De Rakov Skocjan encontré algo super completo en el foro que a mi me ayudó un montón. Es una pista forestal pero en muy buen estado y transitable, en nuestro caso hicimos una versión bastante acortada también pero mereció la pena, fuimos hasta el Mali most, dejamos el coche, bajamos por la sima y recorrimos alguna cueva (se puede ir de una cueva a otra) en total 1 hora porque del coche al descenso a la sima fueron poco más de cinco minutos... Para mi aunque sólo vimos una parte mereció la pena
 Silver Traveller
 05-06-2018 Mensajes: 17
Si puedes acercate también a Velika Planina, en cuanto a la zona de Bled tb tienes el Vintgard Gorge, cascadas Pericnik, Lago Bohinj, monte Vogel que se sube en un teleferico y la cascada Savica
Mas adelante en el Trigav para la zona del trigav yo estuve en Kranjska gora que al lado estaba lago Jasna
 Super Expert
 23-06-2024 Mensajes: 271
Nos lo apuntaremos también!! si es solo 1 hora, no hay problema, haremos esa parada para verlo.