< Prev. Foto : Fotos de Burkina / Pictures of Burkina : Foto Next > Poblado Lobi - Burkina Faso: Aquí sólo trabajan las mujeres, y como burras. Aquí están subiendo mijo a la azotea de una casa. es alucinante verlas, algunas con críos a la espalda, subir por un tronco con muescas cargadas con el recipiente en la cabeza, que supongo que debe de pesar lo suyo. Lobi Village - Burkina Faso: Here women are the only ones who work, and very hardly. They are putting the millet in the roof of the house, it's amazing seeing them!Some are even wearing at their backs their children, climbing up the trunk with notchs and with the full baskets on their heads.
Author: CarlosN
Burkina Faso - Fotos de viajes: Burkina Faso: Un viaje por el pais: tribus sahel, africa, west africa, bobo, dioulasso, rio, niger, lobi, pais, Banfora, banfora, paisaje, falla, escarpment, peul, lobi.
Burkina Faso - Photos of travels: Burkina Faso pictures of my trip in the country: tribe, tribes, sahel, landscapes, africa, west africa bobo, dioulasso, river, niger, lobi, Country, Banfora, banfora, escarpment, peul, lobi.